As a life coach, I talk to people about their goals, how to reach them and how to succeed in this journey we call life, while being happy and helping others be happy. In most cases you already have the knowledge and wisdom to achieve your goals in life and business, but I want you to have a greater quality of life while doing so. I am humbled by the number of friends and business associates who have stuck with me through all I have been through, I am even more struck by the heartwarming stories about past experiences that so many have shared; some good, some bad and some just life. Staying motivated through the good and the bad can at times appear to be a daunting task. Zig Ziglar said it best "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily." You already know the thoughts, actions and people that motivate you, use those thoughts, use those actions and surround yourself with those people. When your up bring others up, when your down use those around you that inspire you to bring you up. You are a success waiting to happen and you might be the only person in your way. Call or email if I can help you or your organization.
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Sally Seher (Sunday, 22 June 2014 21:30)
I believe in what you said 100%. Nothing worth having in life comes easy. It's call HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION!